Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Make It Go Away!!

For over a month now my entire family has been fighting this stomach virus that has been going around. It started with me back in February and within the first week everyone had got it and gotten rid of it..for that week!

Source: thehometeacher.blogspot.com
James and Lucas have been sharing this thing ever since. Poor Lucas has been so crabby and unhappy which is completely unusual for him. He has had the nastiest diaper rash I have ever seen between both my children and the many others I have cared for.

James went to school all last week and didn’t have a problem although Lucas did and then first thing Saturday morning he walks in my bedroom crying because his stomach hurt. And this last week we decided add a new symptom…FEVER!

For almost a day I thought I was home free..but NOOOOOOO… were back to nasty doo doo and crabby baby. I took Lucas back to the doctor and they are running blood tests and samples. Now instead of a diaper rash he has a yeast infection. This poor kid can’t get a break! Coincidentally enough as soon as I left the doctor James school called and I had to go pick up!

I am just praying that the test they are running will reveal something useful and we can finally kick this thing out of my house!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Post That Never Should Have Been

I still can’t believe that I am sitting here writing this post. Nick has FINALLY convinced me to let James start going on the motorcycle. Not that I am not terrified but I pulled out every trick and the book and no matter how much it pained me I had to admit that he had a valid argument.

Source: Primary
To add insult to injury, I was having a discussion with my dad about James wanting to do more things with his Daddy and the first thing he recommended was that they take short bike trips. AAAHHHHH!!!

I hate having to be wrong!

I did put foot down about him having the correct gear. Nick would tool him around the block in an extra helmet he of his that was one size too small for him but three sizes to big for James. If my baby Is going out an anything that even resembles a main street he is wearing the right helmet J!

The other requirement was that he got a leather jacket. I think anyone that rides without wearing leather and at minimum denim is CRAZY!!

Anyway, last weekend after delaying the inevitable for about a month or so we went to Gibraltor Trade Center and found him a leather jacket, helmet, and riding glasses @ Shardans Leather. I have to admit he looks pretty cool!

Tuesday, Nick got him all geared up and drove him to school on the bike. James was so excited he actually got ready without and prodding, which in and of itself is absolutely AMAZING! After seeing just how excited he was I really couldn’t help but smile.

I’m still going to worry anytime they head out but at least I know he is properly prepared. He has all his gear and Nick found a specialty strap that he wears like a belt and has handles on the back for James to hold.  I’d like to hug whoever came up with that! It must have been a mom J. I guess now all I can do is let them go… whether I want too or not!!!
Ready to Go!
Source: Primary

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Oh the Cleverness of Me…..Again!

It is so amazing to watch your kids develop.  A few months ago Lucas was barely toddling around and now he doesn’t sit still.

How am I supposed to resist this?
Source: Primary
As I am typing he is trying his new trick of pulling the cabinet lock to its max and slipping his fingers in to grab stuff. Unfortunately he decided to learn this trick using the cleaning supply cupboard. Fortunately on well placed “NO” and he pushes it back in and pretends to have no idea what I’m talking about.
He has also now mastered his cute baby face! They all have one! Lucas’ includes lifting the shoulder and tilting his head with a huge toothy grin. I have to admit I haven’t built up immunity to it yet!
Time to go home!
Source: Primary
The other day he was opening my moms’ cabinet (Nothing dangerous inside) and when I told him “NO” he jumped behind the cabinet and poked his head out with that grin on it. While I did manage to keep from bursting out laughing one did slip out which he of course ate up.

Beginning on Valentine’s Day he started to get a lot more interested in stuffed animals. Lucas is not really a lovey dovey baby so this was kind of odd. He has since figured out how to hit the buttons that causes his animals to sing and either sits or stands and rocks with the animal. I melt every time I see it!
He has so many sweet and cute moments now I almost forget about the annoying and obnoxious. It is so wonderful to watch him grow!  

Humungo Baby!! They're only three weeks apart!
Source: Primary