Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Make It Go Away!!

For over a month now my entire family has been fighting this stomach virus that has been going around. It started with me back in February and within the first week everyone had got it and gotten rid of it..for that week!

Source: thehometeacher.blogspot.com
James and Lucas have been sharing this thing ever since. Poor Lucas has been so crabby and unhappy which is completely unusual for him. He has had the nastiest diaper rash I have ever seen between both my children and the many others I have cared for.

James went to school all last week and didn’t have a problem although Lucas did and then first thing Saturday morning he walks in my bedroom crying because his stomach hurt. And this last week we decided add a new symptom…FEVER!

For almost a day I thought I was home free..but NOOOOOOO… were back to nasty doo doo and crabby baby. I took Lucas back to the doctor and they are running blood tests and samples. Now instead of a diaper rash he has a yeast infection. This poor kid can’t get a break! Coincidentally enough as soon as I left the doctor James school called and I had to go pick up!

I am just praying that the test they are running will reveal something useful and we can finally kick this thing out of my house!


  1. Not the dreaded stomach flu! The only positive thing I can say about having the flu is that I lost some weight. Which is good for me, but not so much for your babies.

    I hope this passes quickly and you are all healthy soon!

    1. I think it's finally over! It was a really rough month in the last two weeks Lucas lost 1.5lbs. I know he's a big boy, but that's when your only 3lbs. Everything seems to be getting back to normal though. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks
