Thursday, April 5, 2012

The End is Finally Here… And Then Here We Go Again!

Oh happy day! The flu is finally gone. It’s been a whole week so I’m making it official! March is now the worst month of 2012 and I’m not going to allow that to change.

My Sweet Baby Back Again!
Source: Primary
Lucas is back to his wonderful happy go lucky self, getting into absolutely everything and driving me crazy regardless but at least there is no constant whining to accompany it anymore! Proof positive of this came about last night. I believe I mentioned how he has figured out that we use a butter knife to unlock our bedroom door and he always seems to find one, I’m still not sure where they seem to appear from? Anyways, I digress, last night I ran into my room to “use the facilities” and I of course immediately heard a boom and then clanging at the door. I of course assumed he went into the drawer and managed to get out a piece of silverware, I quickly finished my business and came out to check on him and there he was holding my Santuko knife grinning at me. My heart jumped into my throat and then ping ponged down to my stomach and back up again. He has somehow managed to pull the dish mat over and pulled the knife down.
I thought James was going to give me a heart attack when he was a baby but Lucas is twice as bad as he ever was!

I realize I really shouldn’t admit that I let my one year old get a hold of a 7” knife but hopefully it can be a warning to other moms who may have the same thought I had, “it’s far enough back, he can’t reach it!” WRONGO!!!!
I will never have that though again, about anything! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Make It Go Away!!

For over a month now my entire family has been fighting this stomach virus that has been going around. It started with me back in February and within the first week everyone had got it and gotten rid of it..for that week!

James and Lucas have been sharing this thing ever since. Poor Lucas has been so crabby and unhappy which is completely unusual for him. He has had the nastiest diaper rash I have ever seen between both my children and the many others I have cared for.

James went to school all last week and didn’t have a problem although Lucas did and then first thing Saturday morning he walks in my bedroom crying because his stomach hurt. And this last week we decided add a new symptom…FEVER!

For almost a day I thought I was home free..but NOOOOOOO… were back to nasty doo doo and crabby baby. I took Lucas back to the doctor and they are running blood tests and samples. Now instead of a diaper rash he has a yeast infection. This poor kid can’t get a break! Coincidentally enough as soon as I left the doctor James school called and I had to go pick up!

I am just praying that the test they are running will reveal something useful and we can finally kick this thing out of my house!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Post That Never Should Have Been

I still can’t believe that I am sitting here writing this post. Nick has FINALLY convinced me to let James start going on the motorcycle. Not that I am not terrified but I pulled out every trick and the book and no matter how much it pained me I had to admit that he had a valid argument.

Source: Primary
To add insult to injury, I was having a discussion with my dad about James wanting to do more things with his Daddy and the first thing he recommended was that they take short bike trips. AAAHHHHH!!!

I hate having to be wrong!

I did put foot down about him having the correct gear. Nick would tool him around the block in an extra helmet he of his that was one size too small for him but three sizes to big for James. If my baby Is going out an anything that even resembles a main street he is wearing the right helmet J!

The other requirement was that he got a leather jacket. I think anyone that rides without wearing leather and at minimum denim is CRAZY!!

Anyway, last weekend after delaying the inevitable for about a month or so we went to Gibraltor Trade Center and found him a leather jacket, helmet, and riding glasses @ Shardans Leather. I have to admit he looks pretty cool!

Tuesday, Nick got him all geared up and drove him to school on the bike. James was so excited he actually got ready without and prodding, which in and of itself is absolutely AMAZING! After seeing just how excited he was I really couldn’t help but smile.

I’m still going to worry anytime they head out but at least I know he is properly prepared. He has all his gear and Nick found a specialty strap that he wears like a belt and has handles on the back for James to hold.  I’d like to hug whoever came up with that! It must have been a mom J. I guess now all I can do is let them go… whether I want too or not!!!
Ready to Go!
Source: Primary

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Oh the Cleverness of Me…..Again!

It is so amazing to watch your kids develop.  A few months ago Lucas was barely toddling around and now he doesn’t sit still.

How am I supposed to resist this?
Source: Primary
As I am typing he is trying his new trick of pulling the cabinet lock to its max and slipping his fingers in to grab stuff. Unfortunately he decided to learn this trick using the cleaning supply cupboard. Fortunately on well placed “NO” and he pushes it back in and pretends to have no idea what I’m talking about.
He has also now mastered his cute baby face! They all have one! Lucas’ includes lifting the shoulder and tilting his head with a huge toothy grin. I have to admit I haven’t built up immunity to it yet!
Time to go home!
Source: Primary
The other day he was opening my moms’ cabinet (Nothing dangerous inside) and when I told him “NO” he jumped behind the cabinet and poked his head out with that grin on it. While I did manage to keep from bursting out laughing one did slip out which he of course ate up.

Beginning on Valentine’s Day he started to get a lot more interested in stuffed animals. Lucas is not really a lovey dovey baby so this was kind of odd. He has since figured out how to hit the buttons that causes his animals to sing and either sits or stands and rocks with the animal. I melt every time I see it!
He has so many sweet and cute moments now I almost forget about the annoying and obnoxious. It is so wonderful to watch him grow!  

Humungo Baby!! They're only three weeks apart!
Source: Primary

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Me Tarzan…..You Cheap!

So I just concluded my fifth visit to Jungle Java in a span of two weeks. James is in heaven and I really like the idea that with very little effort from me he can wear himself out in less than an hour J!
While I really like the concept of Jungle Java, and the fact that my son loves it I began to notice today that they really attempt to nickel and dime you.
Big Kids Playhouse
Source: Primary
Admission works as follows
2 yrs and older                       $7.50
12 mos. – 23 mos.                 $3.00
Under 12 mos.                       FREE
Adults                                    FREE
They also offer Unlimited Lazer Maze Play for $2.00 per person
They also offer a 3 month pass for either unlimited play or an after 3pm option
I think the price is relatively fair, although they have a small area for toddlers, 3 and under, and I really don’t think I should have to pay for this small little area that Lucas really isn’t big enough for if there is any amount of others kids around. There really isn’t any reason to charge for children under the age of 3 for anything in my opinion.

Toddler Safari
Source: Primary
They ran a special this month for purchasing the 3 month pass, with purchase you get the 4th month free. So I decided to take advantage of it. Unfortunately there is no option if you have one child over 2 and one under. There is a two child pass but it is only advantageous if you have children over 2.
My only other issue is the concessions. You can but I cute jungle cup for $5 and get free refills indefinitely, they even offer a replacement if it wears out!!!
I jumped on that really quick J! My issue is that they don’t have an option for purchasing a kids meal. You still get a drink with the meal so I don’t see the point in having the cup if you still have to pay for a drink anyway. They have also managed to hit my biggest pet peeve, they do not offer free refills on pop. I could even get over not offering refills for free but making me pay full price again, RIDICULOUS!!!!
This only gets further inflamed because they offer free refills on coffee which is more expensive!!!!
My one last complaint is that a place like this should serve pizza or something that can serve larger groups without individual purchases.
I guess it’s the marketer in me, but in my opinion pleasing the kids only gets you so far… you have to make the parents happy if you want them to come back. There’s always the next best thing!!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Drumroll Please …………..

Here it is…. as promised
The other day I introduced you to an old friend of mine, Nick Kopas.
Nick began a life changing transformation in December 2010, per our interview he was weighing in at over 540lb although he was not sure of the exact number. After a health scare in the Winter 2010 he and his wife discussed and came to the mutual decision that they were going to have a healthier lifestyle. As evident in the photos, it worked!
Before and After
Source: Primary, Nicholas J. Kopas 2012
Nick is currently weighing in at about 240lb. That is 300lbs lost!!!!!! I asked him how he did it and he explained to me how he used diet and exercise.
When asked about his diet, he stated that he stuck to a 1500 calorie a day breaking it up throughout the day eating about 300-400 calories for breakfast which traditionally included either eggs or oatmeal, he would also have a pre-workout snack which would include things like turkey jerky or veggies for about 100-200 calories. He would spread the rest of his calories thru the rest of his day.  He has found that for him this schedule works out the best.
He works out 6 days a week alternating strength and cardio training He also began by walking and has now completed multiple half marathons and has taken up longboarding.
 According to Nick when he first began his journey he focused on diet and didn’t work in exercise until a few months in. At that time he began walking. When I asked if there was anything he would change, that was the only thing he said. That he would have joined a gym immediately.
Source: Primary, Nicholas J. Kopas 2012
A few tools he also shared was a calorie counter such as fat secret or my fitness pal, available in the Android Market and Apple’s App Store. He also suggested which is an online community that can provide both ideas and support.
As I said before, Nick has chosen to be very open and shares a lot of information on Facebook. He also created a short presentations for his friends that were asking questions which you can view at
Because I didn’t want this post to turn into a novel I was unable to share all the informaion Nick shared with me. If you are interested feel free to contact me via Twitter @Wheresmymotrin or on Facebook!/ for a full transcript of our   interview.
Nick has also wrote an blog post for Lifetime Fitness, please take a moment and check it out

CORRECTION: I made a small mistake in my post, While he is working towards completing a half marathon he has yet to do so...yet :-) He has completed 5K runs, which is still very impressive

Thursday, February 16, 2012

From 5 to 2…the right way!

So I know I mentioned telling a truly inspirational story. I figure it’s about time I ante up.
I’m sure most of you have seen or at least heard of shows like the Biggest Loser or Extreme Makeover, Weight Loss Edition. I really do think it’s amazing how these people accomplish such amazing transformations, although I don’t always agree with their methods.

So Awesome! It really makes you think

But I digress, it is great to watch these people on the television and even cheer them on to their final goals, but it doesn’t really seem real or possible when it’s coming from a glass screen. While perusing my through my facebook new feed on day one of my friends posted this picture.
As I hope many of you are I thinking, I thought that is amazing! This is a guy who was heavy even when I knew him in high school and look at him now. Once I saw this picture I had to know more and my blog offered a great opportunity.
Nick, put a lot of information out on facebook for anyone who wanted to read it. His hope is to show others that with dedication it is possible.
Once I began my blog I was again surfing through the news feed and came across another photo. This one really inspired me to say I have to find out more, so I sent him a message asking if he wouldn’t mind sharing his photos and his story.
Check back to see what I found out!

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Karma is a B!#($

So as you know yesterday I posted something about baby language so I supposed I had it coming. I guess when decide to talk about pee pee, that’s exactly what you get!
For those who don’t know when boys are first born there are typically a number of instances when you don’t get that diaper on fast enough and here comes the sprinkler (picture the Calvin character stickers you see on cars). With both my boys those moments became few and far between after a couple of months and then completed disappeared by about 8 months but I digress…
As I mentioned, when you talk about pee pee, Lucas decides to “pee pee” on me, himself, and the couch when I was changing him earlier. I think he timed it because I covered it and when I tried again it started all over.
Since I am sure many of you are laughing at my expense, I don’t blame you, I would too!
After this traumatizing scenario I felt I should share my parental wisdom.

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sorry I’ve Been MIA

It’s been a long week and I’m not even sure why. Sorry I disappeared for so long but I had a sick baby and then of course, a sick me! I had a few exams in school and I really felt like doo doo. Yes I actually say doo doo out loud, the kid speak has obviously rubbed off. I finally accepted that once I told my husband I had to go pee pee.
Everyone should know the steps
Have you ever noticed that once you have kids you invent an entirely new vocabulary. It really does amaze me, I think someone should author the Baby Language Dictionary for Non-Parents.
I mean there’s suckies, binkies (blanket or pacifier), and pacies and that only covers pacifiers. For some reason anything having to do with going to the bathroom has to have a “nice” terms, like potty, pee pee, and poo poo.
Where do we come up with this stuff? I know I do it and it just seems to come out of nowhere. Do you have any classically coined terms that you use with your kids? I would love to hear them!

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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Top 5 Reasons Why….

So I awoke this morning to my husband informing me that James did not wear his coat to school. To my husband of course this was no big deal. To me I wanted to smack him upside his head. He informed me that when it was time to leave for school James did not want to put his coat on. This is pretty usual behavior, normally I have to fight with him about some piece of apparel. I’m thinking okay, so you tell him to get over it and put his coat on. Sounds easy right?
You have to wonder, what are they thinking sometimes?
Nooooooooo, my husband told him it was too cold for no coat and to put it on and promptly went and got in the car so he could get it started leaving James to his own devices. James is very strong willed and stubborn so of course a couple minutes later James comes down and gets in the car with no coat on.
Unfortuantely, since he was running late as usual my husband didn’t notice that fact until they were more than half-way to the school. If it were me I would have either turned around or dropped him off and then go pick up the coat and taken it back to school.
I guess this concept was just too much like work since that isn’t even close to what happened. He came home and went back to bed. Then when he got up he told me so I could do something about it. Well not really, he thought it was no big deal.
So givien the excitement of my day I have compiled what I call the …

Top 5 Reasons Why Men Should Not be Held Responsible for Their Actions
5. Responsibility requires actual response about things besides cars, sports, or hot women
4. In order to complete a task you must first know what it is,
    this of course requires a miniscule amount of listening skills.
3. Their Men
2. Did I mention… their men
1. The Male Ego is a fragile thing... Break it and you won’t get anything done!

I realize this is a wild generalization but it makes me feel better!! :-)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Best Plan EVER!!!!

The other day I came across a tweet from @scarymommy that shared a link to another blog “Dadmissions the Book”. After reading through the post I found myself laughing my head off and offering props to this completely unknown to me author. The post was titled Parent Gift Etiquette the title says it all, proper gifting etiquette for parents.
Saving parents some bucks one occasion at a time
The jist of it is a contract formed between parent and child(ren) stating that since the parent will first threaten not to purchase a gift chosen by the child and will then threaten and take away said gift after the purchase based on their bad behavior a deal must be struck. According the the article this deal would offer an
understanding that the parent agrees not to purchase the gift therefore avoiding all the threatening and the child(ren) then agree that they will choose that special gift they would like and then accept that they will then misbehave and not receive it.
Ingenius! Parents can relax because they don’t have to spend hours waiting in line in order to spend hundreds of dollars to get that one special gift. They also won’t have to spend their time threatening their child(ren) since they have already accepted their behavior. I would complete this contract and make multiple copies so I could prominently display it all over the house as a reminder.
“We the undersigned kids agree that it’s impossible for us to behave and therefore we’ll never get to keep the coveted gift we so want. We agree in the pre-gifting arrangement where we will pick out a gift, but then never receive it, thus cutting out the middle man. We further agree that any tantrum or yelling is really pointless since we never actually got any gift to begin with and therefore nothing has actually been taken away from us.”(, 2012)
I am totally behind this idea. Of course I realize that it is unlikely that any parent would ever actually do this nor would their child(ren) ever agree to it but the premise is really spot on. It was definitely good for a laugh. If you have a chance to check it out by clicking here

Parental Gift Etiquette (2012, Jan 26) Retrieved from
Crescent Ekectric (n.d.). Image retrieved from

Just a quick update

Yesterday James came home with all smiley faces :-) I knew he could do it

Thursday, January 26, 2012

HELP!!! My Child is Acting Like….. ME!

Every since he went back to school after Christmas Break James has been having trouble with being distracted and talking during class. He did this at the beginning of the year, but that was normal in my opinion. At the beginning there only frame of reference is kindergarten where they only went half a day and in that half day got to play half of it. He seemed to settle in after about a month and really didn’t have much trouble but now he seems to be in trouble almost every day.
I’ve been talking with him about what’s going on trying to figure out what it was causing this unruly behavior. I will happily any advice that anyone would like to share. We finally had a breakthrough yesterday, at least I hope.
After talking with his teacher we are trying a daily behavior report that shows how he’s doing for each section of the day using J or L. It’s designed to help them understand that they are accountable for their own behavior. I really thought just starting this would straighten him up. Boy was I wrong!
I think this says it all!
We began on Monday and he came home with all J! He was so excited, because that meant he got to stay up 10 minutes later than usual. I’m thinking wonderful. I don’t expect perfection but the next day he comes home with two L faces and in the red. To explain, his school uses a traffic light system for behavior; they start on green and once receiving warnings emphasis on the s, they get moved to yellow and so on. He has been on red before but from September to December it only happen two maybe three times. Since school started again it’s been four or five.
We had a talk, okay I admit I may have yelled a little, but we discussed it and he told me he was sorry and there were just things he wanted to do instead of what he was supposed to. So after an evening with no video game time he decided he was going to pay attention and listen to his teacher if they corrected him. Sounds great right! Of course it does, if it happened. But nooooo he comes home yesterday with a two more L and in the red again. TWO DAYS IN A ROW!!!!!!!!! Nothing like this has ever happened the whole time he has been in school. I was in shock!
We sat down to talk again and I tried to tell him that he needed to tell me what was bothering him because this couldn’t keep happening. So after I took away video game time which was the deal if he got L faces and the television for the day since it was twice in a row he finally decided that he should tell me what was wrong. It is so hard to tell a six year old that they can tell you anything and he’s allowed to feel however he feels. I finally got through and he told me he missed his Daddy. My heart broke. It’s not that he doesn’t get to see Nick at all but Nick is working afternoons so he never sees him during the week and then on weekend he has to share him with Lucas.
I thought this was appropriate
I assured him that we would make sure he got Daddy and James time every weekend. He is so excited it was the first thing he told Nick when he woke up.
So when he got home today he did get one L but he was not put on red, so I decided there would be no punishment but he didn’t get to stay up. Hopefully once he has Daddy James time over the weekend it will get better. Fingers Crossed!!
Do you have any ideas of things I can do? Let me know!  

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The One and Only…

Disclaimer: I hereby promise to speak my mind about this topic; on this one occasion and never mention it again. This post is in not based in fact, it is an opinion and should be treated as such. While some people may find my opinion on the topic offensive, it is not meant to be derogatory in any way. I understand that many people may not agree with my opinion and want to ensure those individuals that I completely respect their view regarding the matter and understand fully that everyone is an individual and has the right to their own views and opinions. I am not claiming to be an expert on this topic in anyway and understand that there are many individuals out there that are more informed than I. This is no way directed towards any particular party or entity.Thank you for understanding and I hope you will please come back for more of my stories J!!


Every time an election comes around you start hearing all about how they; by they I mean any political party participant, want all Americans to come out and vote. Claiming they want informed voters. This is why I have a HUGE problem with them putting so many ads out there with all the negative claims. I don’t believe they’re lying so I don’t want to give that impression, but as they say there are two sides to every story. While they may convey a negative fact they fail to inform the viewer about the circumstances surrounding it. While this is effective and good marketing, when it comes to electing the individuals who will be representing our rights it should not be about who had the best advertising campaign, it should be about who the best candidate for the job is.
Thank you for allowing me to share my little rant! (2012, Jan.). Image retrieved from

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Drama “King”!

As a mom of two boys when I say drama king you would probably assume that Lucas has decided to voice his opinion in an even louder method or that James has decided that I’m the meanest person on the planet and I suck. While both of these things have happened to me at one point or another my drama king is my husband.
There are times when I would like to give him a sandwich sign that says BooWoo, Poor me! Everyone always says I have a flare for the dramatic but my husband can put me to shame. He informed me yesterday that this was the last bottle time we were going to have so I should enjoy it. This, of course is insinuating that he doesn’t want any more kids. Which isn’t always true, it just depends whether Lucas is crying or not.
Poooooor Meeeeee!!
 Lucas is getting his front molars so he has been waking up in the middle of the night a lot lately. Lucas has gotten all of his teeth in groups so whenever their cutting he begins to wake up during the night. This occurrence normally brings up the “I can’t handle any more kids” conversation.
I digress, after sharing his bottle time theory he informed me that he is no longer of “breeding age”. At this point I could barely keep myself from rolling on the floor from laughter. For some reason when he said that all I could think about was an old dog ready content to just lay around all day. He then took it a step further and decided to share his next theory with Lucas. As he was taking Lucas to bed I heard him informing the 14 months old baby that he was almost forty. I realize I haven’t shared our exact ages but we’ve got a good seven years until we hit forty (Hint, Hint).  Is it just me or is this just the slightest bit mellow dramatic?
 I am used to his normal dramatic antics. Normally it’s just things like I can’t find this or I can’t find that and of course his idea of looking is turning his head in one direction and then the other and announcing that he doesn’t know where it is. If I’m really lucky he might actually take a few steps while moving his head around.
The problem is he has taught James his bad habits. My all time favorite is the blame everyone or thing but me tactic. James can be playing around and run into the table and the first thing you hear is “stupid table.” Like father like son I guess.
I would like to thank you for listening to the drama in my life, if anything it should be worth a laugh! (n.d.). From Going Away. Retrieved from

Monday, January 23, 2012

Snow Day!

So, Sunday was the day! After living here his entire life James was going to get his chance to go sledding! He was so excited. I told him to start getting dressed in all of his layers, but before the rest of us had a chance to even begin to get ready here’s James with all of his layers, including snow pants, jacket, scarf, hat, and mittens. I tried to explain that we weren’t leaving yet so he would get hot but that really didn’t matter, he wasn’t going to listen.
The rest of use bundled up, Lucas included and we headed out.

Once we got to the hill, I got the exciting job of pulling Lucas around in his little toboggan. It’s one of the ones with a seat where you can belt them in. It was very handy for getting him all the way out to the hill. Once we were there he wasn’t much interested in it though.
This was another first also, Lucas’ first time actually in the snow. As soon as we sat him in the sleigh he was reaching for the fluffy white stuff. Unfortunately, this was when Nick was trying to put his mittens back on!

We trudged ourselves to the hill and James was off up the stairs with Daddy in tow. He was so excited and I was excited for him. Lucas decided he wanted out of the sleigh, so I let him out to wander a little. This of course meant that he wanted to wander right toward the bottom of the hill where people were flying fown the hill at a million miles an hour. Nick came up with the idea of placing him about 20 feet away and then letting him walk back to
to us. That worked until about the third turn. That was when he decided, “forget it, I’m going the other way then”.     
After I ran after him a few times he then decided that sitting in the snow was a better option. Not on the top of my list of things to do but he was layered so I really didn't mind. I was laughing so hard I almost had frozen tears running down my face when he attempted to get back. Much like a rolly polly he kind of fell over, rolled one way and then the other finally getting a hold of the slippery ground and began to work his way up using his forehead to balance.

All in all we had a lot of fun. I was freezing since I left home without my scarf and hat. Yes, I know. Both the kids had so much fun it was well worth the cold to see the smiles on their faces.

Since the best layed plans always have some lumps, I have now compiled a list for any future trips to the sledding hill
What you need for sledding...
*      Long Johns
*      Jeans
*      Long sleeve shirts
*      Undershirts
*      Snow pants
*      Coats
*      Scarves
*      Hats
*      Mittens/Gloves
*      Sleds (Something I could live without!)
*      Portable Cabin with inboard heater (For Mommy!)  

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Oh, The Cleverness of Me….

 Doesn’t it seem that even though you see your kids every day, watching them grow and play yet somehow they still manage to surprise us on each and every one.
 That turlte began on the other side of the television!
I believed I mention that Lucas is a very large toddler and reaches both my dining room table and my kitchen counter. Well now he’s decided that it’s a good idea to climb onto and move around his toys. Not the small toys that although bulky can be easily picked up and moved, noooooo he climbs up on his activity table. Then he moves it and the bounce on turtle around the room a few times a day.
Is this normal behavior and I forgot about it? I a managed one day off but normally he pushes his highchair out about 3 or 4 feet and he also loves to carry the chair from James wooden table set through the house. I think he likes the sound of it scraping along the kitchen tile.
Just a moment ago he knocked over one of the chairs and was using it to climb onto his activity table which he moved about two feet from where it’s supposed to be!
Of course, he does all this with that cloyingly cute grin on his face which just melts me regardless of what he happens to be doing wrong.
He also, and I’m still trying to figure this out, got a hold on a butter knife. So obviously I went to take it away; before I had a chance he ran up to my locked bedroom door and proceeded to try and stick the knife in the handle. Such a stinker!
 A little back story so that makes a little more sense, We keep our bedroom door locked so he stays out of our master bath since it has no lock, the lock looks like a big screw so we keep a butter knife on the upper molding and use it like a screwdriver to unlock the door. He of course saw us do this many times and has now decided to do it himself.
First the television remote, now unlocking doors! What’s next?
I remember James picking up on things like that. I don’t remember him being this young though.
I’ll take any suggestions about how to keep my child planted on the ground!