Friday, January 20, 2012

And The Winner Is….

And The Winner Is….
Source: Breaking Down Barriers Blog
So when I pulled up my homepage today to my surprise I found a headline for the most stressful cities in the United States. Something about it caught my eye and I started thinking, I wonder…and not to my surprise in the top five most stressful cities to live was Detroit/Livonia/Dearborn. It’s kind of sad really, according to the article the main reasons living in the Detroit Metro is so stressful is because the area is in the 100th percentile for both violent and property crime. (Kane, 2012) I have lived here most of my life other than a few years in my twenties and I never diluted myself into believing that Detroit was a truly safe place to live but those numbers are shocking! 100th percentile! I tried to calculate it out and according to the statistics there are about 21,000 violent crimes in the Detroit/Livonia/Dearborn area annually and almost 80,000 property crimes annually. Seeing these statistics really puts things into perspective.
We also have the highest unemployment rate on this list but that wasn’t too surprising to me. Speaking of high percentile’s we are also in the 97th percentile for poor mental health days per month, based on the amount of cloudy days. Can’t say I was too surprised by that either.
The other cities in the top five included Jacksonville, FL, Miami, FL, Las Vegas, NV, and Tampa/Clearwater, FL. The sunshine state appears to be quite stressful! If you have a moment, you may want to check out the article at
I suppose the moral of my story is that you never really know everything about where you live regardless of how long you lived there.

Kane, C. (2012, Jan 20), Americas most stressful cities in 2012. Bottomline on, Retrieved from
Breaking Down Barriers (n.d.). Image retrieved from  

1 comment:

  1. It is sad that Detroit is on the list. I hope this changes one day!
