Thursday, January 26, 2012

HELP!!! My Child is Acting Like….. ME!

Every since he went back to school after Christmas Break James has been having trouble with being distracted and talking during class. He did this at the beginning of the year, but that was normal in my opinion. At the beginning there only frame of reference is kindergarten where they only went half a day and in that half day got to play half of it. He seemed to settle in after about a month and really didn’t have much trouble but now he seems to be in trouble almost every day.
I’ve been talking with him about what’s going on trying to figure out what it was causing this unruly behavior. I will happily any advice that anyone would like to share. We finally had a breakthrough yesterday, at least I hope.
After talking with his teacher we are trying a daily behavior report that shows how he’s doing for each section of the day using J or L. It’s designed to help them understand that they are accountable for their own behavior. I really thought just starting this would straighten him up. Boy was I wrong!
I think this says it all!
We began on Monday and he came home with all J! He was so excited, because that meant he got to stay up 10 minutes later than usual. I’m thinking wonderful. I don’t expect perfection but the next day he comes home with two L faces and in the red. To explain, his school uses a traffic light system for behavior; they start on green and once receiving warnings emphasis on the s, they get moved to yellow and so on. He has been on red before but from September to December it only happen two maybe three times. Since school started again it’s been four or five.
We had a talk, okay I admit I may have yelled a little, but we discussed it and he told me he was sorry and there were just things he wanted to do instead of what he was supposed to. So after an evening with no video game time he decided he was going to pay attention and listen to his teacher if they corrected him. Sounds great right! Of course it does, if it happened. But nooooo he comes home yesterday with a two more L and in the red again. TWO DAYS IN A ROW!!!!!!!!! Nothing like this has ever happened the whole time he has been in school. I was in shock!
We sat down to talk again and I tried to tell him that he needed to tell me what was bothering him because this couldn’t keep happening. So after I took away video game time which was the deal if he got L faces and the television for the day since it was twice in a row he finally decided that he should tell me what was wrong. It is so hard to tell a six year old that they can tell you anything and he’s allowed to feel however he feels. I finally got through and he told me he missed his Daddy. My heart broke. It’s not that he doesn’t get to see Nick at all but Nick is working afternoons so he never sees him during the week and then on weekend he has to share him with Lucas.
I thought this was appropriate
I assured him that we would make sure he got Daddy and James time every weekend. He is so excited it was the first thing he told Nick when he woke up.
So when he got home today he did get one L but he was not put on red, so I decided there would be no punishment but he didn’t get to stay up. Hopefully once he has Daddy James time over the weekend it will get better. Fingers Crossed!!
Do you have any ideas of things I can do? Let me know!  

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