Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Drama “King”!

As a mom of two boys when I say drama king you would probably assume that Lucas has decided to voice his opinion in an even louder method or that James has decided that I’m the meanest person on the planet and I suck. While both of these things have happened to me at one point or another my drama king is my husband.
There are times when I would like to give him a sandwich sign that says BooWoo, Poor me! Everyone always says I have a flare for the dramatic but my husband can put me to shame. He informed me yesterday that this was the last bottle time we were going to have so I should enjoy it. This, of course is insinuating that he doesn’t want any more kids. Which isn’t always true, it just depends whether Lucas is crying or not.
Poooooor Meeeeee!!
Source: frederatorblogs.com
 Lucas is getting his front molars so he has been waking up in the middle of the night a lot lately. Lucas has gotten all of his teeth in groups so whenever their cutting he begins to wake up during the night. This occurrence normally brings up the “I can’t handle any more kids” conversation.
I digress, after sharing his bottle time theory he informed me that he is no longer of “breeding age”. At this point I could barely keep myself from rolling on the floor from laughter. For some reason when he said that all I could think about was an old dog ready content to just lay around all day. He then took it a step further and decided to share his next theory with Lucas. As he was taking Lucas to bed I heard him informing the 14 months old baby that he was almost forty. I realize I haven’t shared our exact ages but we’ve got a good seven years until we hit forty (Hint, Hint).  Is it just me or is this just the slightest bit mellow dramatic?
 I am used to his normal dramatic antics. Normally it’s just things like I can’t find this or I can’t find that and of course his idea of looking is turning his head in one direction and then the other and announcing that he doesn’t know where it is. If I’m really lucky he might actually take a few steps while moving his head around.
The problem is he has taught James his bad habits. My all time favorite is the blame everyone or thing but me tactic. James can be playing around and run into the table and the first thing you hear is “stupid table.” Like father like son I guess.
I would like to thank you for listening to the drama in my life, if anything it should be worth a laugh!

Frederatorblogs.com (n.d.). From Going Away. Retrieved from http://archives.frederatorblogs.com/all/2005/11/.

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