Saturday, January 28, 2012

Best Plan EVER!!!!

The other day I came across a tweet from @scarymommy that shared a link to another blog “Dadmissions the Book”. After reading through the post I found myself laughing my head off and offering props to this completely unknown to me author. The post was titled Parent Gift Etiquette the title says it all, proper gifting etiquette for parents.
Saving parents some bucks one occasion at a time
The jist of it is a contract formed between parent and child(ren) stating that since the parent will first threaten not to purchase a gift chosen by the child and will then threaten and take away said gift after the purchase based on their bad behavior a deal must be struck. According the the article this deal would offer an
understanding that the parent agrees not to purchase the gift therefore avoiding all the threatening and the child(ren) then agree that they will choose that special gift they would like and then accept that they will then misbehave and not receive it.
Ingenius! Parents can relax because they don’t have to spend hours waiting in line in order to spend hundreds of dollars to get that one special gift. They also won’t have to spend their time threatening their child(ren) since they have already accepted their behavior. I would complete this contract and make multiple copies so I could prominently display it all over the house as a reminder.
“We the undersigned kids agree that it’s impossible for us to behave and therefore we’ll never get to keep the coveted gift we so want. We agree in the pre-gifting arrangement where we will pick out a gift, but then never receive it, thus cutting out the middle man. We further agree that any tantrum or yelling is really pointless since we never actually got any gift to begin with and therefore nothing has actually been taken away from us.”(, 2012)
I am totally behind this idea. Of course I realize that it is unlikely that any parent would ever actually do this nor would their child(ren) ever agree to it but the premise is really spot on. It was definitely good for a laugh. If you have a chance to check it out by clicking here

Parental Gift Etiquette (2012, Jan 26) Retrieved from
Crescent Ekectric (n.d.). Image retrieved from

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