Tuesday, January 17, 2012

So this is blogging...

For the first post to my blog… “my blog” that seems strange to me even though I’m posting right now. I would like to begin by introducing myself,
 My names is Courtney C, I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful boys, James and Lucas. If you were wondering why I called my blog Where’s My Motrin?, that’s it. My boys may be the joy of my life but they definitely have a knack for giving Mommy a headache more often then not.
But, I digress, I was introducing myself. I am also a full time student, one semester away from receiving my BBA in Marketing from Walsh College of Accountancy and Business Administration. I know it’s a mouthful, so for future mention we’ll just call it Walsh.
I will have been married six years this May. My boys are 6 and 14 months so my children have always been a part of my marriage. With such a big age gap between them I get to experience completely different milestones simultaneously.

James Ryan(6) is in first grade and learning something new every day. He has been learning to read this year, which I of course try to help him with. After working through a single page, I can honestly say I have no idea how I ever learned to read! More on this in the future.
Lucas Patrick (1) is my little troublemaker. I know I shouldn’t but I call him humungo baby. At 12 months he was 31 ½ inches tall and just over 26lbs which according to the doctor is in the 96th percentile. He is a perfectly wonderful healthy little toddler, well, not so little. The only problem with him being so big is that he can do things that most kids can’t at his age, for instance reaching the kitchen counters, taking things off the dining room table, and climbing and standing on the coffee table. At least with James by the time he was able to do those things he was old enough to understand that standing on tables was not the best idea.
I realize this post has been a little long winded but I hope this helps you know and understand me a little bit better.

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